The CPTD covers a subset of the knowledge and skills from the Talent Development Capability Model, focusing on skills application and decision-making for more experienced professionals.
Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD) candidates are tested on content covering 22 capabilities from the Talent Development Capability Model. Familiarize yourself with the model and download this detailed test content outline to see what is covered on the exam.
All CPTD candidates must have at least five years of related work experience and should have deep knowledge and experience applying the principles for enhancing employee talent development. A CPTD understands and can affect the value and impact talent development strategies and solutions bring to the success of an organization.
Download and use this letter template to have a discussion with your employer about the value of the CPTD, and share these four reasons to support certification.
The APTD covers a subset of foundational knowledge from the Talent Development Capability Model and how to use that knowledge in talent development. It is focused on the capabilities required for successful performance by early career professionals. These areas were identified by the research as core building blocks for talent development professionals.
Download the current APTD content outline for a detailed overview of what knowledge and skill statements are covered on the new exam.
Who is It For?
The typical APTD credential holder has 3-5 years of experience in talent development. Fifteen percent of the candidates who have earned the APTD so far are in a management role.
Many of our APTD candidates are “accidental trainers” without formal education in training and development. Some work full time in the field, while others work half time.
Need to Convince Your Boss?
Download and use this letter template to have a discussion with your employer about the value of the APTD, and share these four reasons to support certification.
¿Por qué una certificación?
Una certificación es un proceso donde un individuo recibe las credenciales que les prueba a ellos mismos, y a otros, que tienen los conocimientos, las competencias y el peritaje requerido para ejercer dentro de un campo determinado al más alto nivel de excelencia.
El ATD Certification Institute ofrece las Certificaciones Profesionales en Desarrollo de Talento (CPTD y APTD respectivamente por sus siglas en inglés).
Las certificaciones CPTD y APTD se basan en nuestro Modelo de Capacidades y proporciona las herramientas para ser el mejor en el campo y le hace saber a los patronos que usted tiene los conocimientos prácticos del mundo real, que pueden aplicarse fácilmente al ambiente de trabajo actual. Las certificaciones le dan la capacidad, la credibilidad y la confianza para ser un colaborador de alto rendimiento en su organización. ¡Sea uno de los mejores - conviértase en un Profesional Certificado en Desarrollo de Talento, CPTD o APTD!
Vea todos los detalles en: ATD Certification Homepage | ATD
¿Por qué ésta certificación?